
For Beginners: Create Virtual Machine in Azure with Just 7 Easy steps

In this article, We will go through step by step procedure to create virtual machine in Azure. Microsoft Azure is a cloud computing service created by Microsoft for building, testing, deploying, and managing applications and services through Microsoft-managed data centers. It provides software as a service (SaaS), platform as a service (PaaS) and infrastructure as a service (IaaS) and supports many different programming languages, tools and frameworks, including both Microsoft-specific and third-party software and systems.

Create Virtual Machine in Azure

For Beginners: Create Virtual Machine in Azure with Just 7 Easy steps 1


Step 1: Create a Resource Group

We need to create a Resource Group first to create a Virtual Machine. Here we will create a Resource Group Test-Resource.

For Beginners: Create Virtual Machine in Azure with Just 7 Easy steps 2

Step 2: Select Resource Group

We will provide below details for our example:-

Resource Group: Test-Resource

Virtual Machine Name: Test-VM

Region: East US 2

Image: Ubuntu Server 18.04 LTS

Size: 2 VCPU, 8 GB Memory

For Beginners: Create Virtual Machine in Azure with Just 7 Easy steps 3


Step 3: Select Disk

We will select Premium SSD for our example and Click on Networking.

For Beginners: Create Virtual Machine in Azure with Just 7 Easy steps 4

Step 4: Provide Networking Information

Here you need to select your virtual network, public ip, ports you want to open etc. For our example, we will only open port 22.

For Beginners: Create Virtual Machine in Azure with Just 7 Easy steps 5


Step 5: Create Management(Optional)

You can enable the login with Azure Active Directory from here. We will not use this option for our example.

For Beginners: Create Virtual Machine in Azure with Just 7 Easy steps 6

Step 6: Set up Advance(Optional)

This is an advance steps where you can set host group, VM Generation etc. We will not set this options for our case.

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Step 7: Create and Review

Click on Review+Create. If all the options are set correctly then it will show Validation Passed. Now you can go ahead and select Create.

For Beginners: Create Virtual Machine in Azure with Just 7 Easy steps 8

Step 8: Test-VM created successfully

Congratulations, You have created your Test-VM Successfully. You can now use the public ip to login.

Public IP: my case)

For Beginners: Create Virtual Machine in Azure with Just 7 Easy steps 9


Also Read: AWS IAM User and Policy

References: Microsoft Azure Documentation

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